I have lost 25lbs and my weight is where it should be for my height and body makeup.
My question, I take 2.5mg(calcium channel blocker)of Norvasc once daily,also60mg ER of Inderal (beta blocker)
My beta blocker will always be part of my regimen,
due to heart rates that my MD felt were not consistent
However, with the weight loss and drop in blood pressure (regularly falling below 120/80- to low 100 systolic and anywhere from 50-80 diastolic) can I just stop the Norcasc or should I dose down for a certain amount of time until I've reached cessation
The main reason I'm asking is, some dizziness and a feeling of minor flushing when standing has started, noted recently ( a month or 2) since the loss of weight and a return to 21% body fat.
Thank you