I have multiple sclerosis and have had severely intense pinpoint pain in my skin on my face, usually where I have a pimple or some sort of plugged or infected pore. I'm on immunosuppressant drugs and so healing takes a long time and so when I scratch or dig to relieve the pain, I create a spot that ends up scarring. When I'm feeling the painful pinpoint pain, it feels so intense that I feel like I'm being electrocuted. It gives me intense feelings of anxiety. I had a severe outbreak of herpes in my mouth, throat, gums, and nose when I was a teenager and have always suffered with cold sores on my lips if I injure or bump them. When I'm stressed, I get blisters on the roof of my mouth that are very painful and one recurring blister in my right nostril on the septum. This pain is so intense that it makes me feel like I'm going crazy and need relief urgently. I feel like a caged animal in my own body.