I have not been able to rotate my neck going on 2 years now and also have a herniated thoracic t7-t8 disc that causes pain to my shoulder blade and to my ribcage. I have had two spinal injections, cathetered from my lumbar region, both of which lasted less than two weeks and was told by the Dr who performed that, that I may also need that procedure for my neck but it's riskier. I went to physical therapy for 13+ weeks and showed no sign of improvement so they sent a letter to my doctor saying that I plateaud and there was nothing more they could do. I did dry needling, acupuncture, deep tissue massage,chiropractor visits among the exercises given by physical therapy, all of which showed no relief to my symptoms. I have a sharp, stabbing pain to my shoulderblade area that will only subside with oxycodone I was prescribed by pain management and diazepam for my muscle spasms that have taken over my upper shoulder area and neck, mainly the right side. My EMG showed Complex Repetitive Discharges and the neurosurgeon said that this is rare,esp at my age (37). She noted spondylosis with radiculopathy in cervical and unknown myopathy. I have read that cortosteroids can help suppress crds. Is prednisone a cortisteroid? They have never tried a steroid treatment for me. Can you please give me any info in regards to this? Please and thank you! Linda