I have noticed a patch on my foot beneath the slipper's strap. Previously, it was a little itchy (just a little) and not visible at all. It became visible only after itching a little. Till now I have only itched twice in 10 days because it doesn't itch much. It itches somewhat only when I am wearing my slippers (that too not always) and when it is wet or something touches it, although not always. Apart from that patch, there's two more places where it's itching on the same foot on the left side under the slipper's strap (once in a while, not much). They are like very tiny grainy structure, not visible on camera. The biggest patch is not that elevated or raised as it appear in the pic, nor there's any circular boundary like structure, but it is round.
It has itched earlier too just beneath my slippers strap, but it vanished in 3-4 days by itself. I can feel some mosquito bites like structures on my scalp and they itch sometimes. Although they come and go.
Is it ringworm? If so, how do I prevent it from spreading to other places? Can oral medication help? If not, can I use an anti fungal ointment and oral medication even if it is not ringworn or fungal infection? Any ill effects of doing so.
Also, I have eczema. What if antifungal or ringworm medication touches my eczeme patch on the other foot( its somewhat an open lesion because of itching)?
Lastly, can fungus like the one that grow on bedsheets etc can cause ringworms or any such fungal diseases in human?
Sunil P
Note: The white powder on my feet is actually soap deposition. I have OCD and I use a lot of soap.