I have occasional throat mucus in the morning, occasional sore throat but what bothers me most is a burning in my eyes
I was diagnoses with gastritis by a doctor who used x-ray with fluoroscopy. however I have no gastritis symptoms. I don't have stomach burning, nausea etc. I had a bit of pressure in the upper abdomen after eating but not so much anymore. it's just that daily burning in the eyes after eating and the occasional burning throat.
I seem to have these same symptoms regardless of lifestyle
issues. I've experimented, sometimes I eat only the so called healthy gastritis diet but have lots of
symptoms, sometimes I eat fatty food and have no symptoms. it's frustrating.
I've taken ppi's for 3 months (Tecta, Nexium, Dexilant) and they made no difference. I actually even think they made it worse.
I've also been on Baclofen for a month no change though.
I've tried apple cider vinegar but that didn't help either.
Anti acids from Bayer brand name Phillips sometimes help a bit. Gaviscon or Tums doesn't do anything
It feels like "acid fumes" are coming up. it's not like some splashing fluid that burns like hell in the esophagus or chest.
What I don't understand is: everyone belches now and again, what mechanism causes these acid fumes?
I just can't believe there's anything wrong with my LES, I never have trouble at night lying down even on a full stomach. I only wake up in the morning with a sour taste in my mouth. Then after I get up and have breakfast the fumes are coming up and my eyes start burning.
I had an endoscopy 10 years ago. nothing was found.
it's just frustrating not to understand how all this happens. Any thoughts?