I have ovarian cancer grade four. In between first and second chemo, with paclitaxol and Carboplatin, I took a two month break to try some alternatives. The first one went well and my CA125 came down from 1100 to 320 quite quickly. The second intervention, high dose IV Vitamin C, was not done properly and flared everything up again. Before I was able to get back in for chemo, I developed ascites again, and 9litres were drained. As the ascites was building, about two weeks ago I developed an intense hot needle like itching on my right fore arm, starting at night until around 4am. Generalised intense itching has now spread to my torso and lower legs. It is on possible to sleep and I am getting even more exhausted. Could it be a reaction to one of my drugs? Ranitidine which I take for acid reflux when the ascites builds up. Metoclopromide which I take for nauseaost chemo. Liver and kidney function tears have remained normal throughout. I also suffer a lot from floaters in the eye, and these shifted around the same time as the itching started so that my vision is now impaired with floaters getting in the way, right in my field of vision, instead of being more peripheral. I am i63 and in previously good health before diagnosis in June. I live in the UK. Thanks for your help.