I have peripheral Neuropathy, diabetes in upper and lower extremities, a herniated disc in lower back pressing on nerve next to sciatic nerve and a bone spur in my neck as well as past exposure to agent orange as well as past trauma and perforation of my eardrums from explosions in the war. I have daily migraines and although Triptans will abort them the only relief I have gotten was about 3 weeks headache free after having a daith piercing, but that has faded and migraine are back. I've tried every medication under the sun, oxygen,botox, accupuncture and nothing seems to help. I wonder if there is a way to determine thwe source of my migraines to help figure out how to get rid of them could they possibly be from my neuropathy or neck spur or even micro-vascular disease in my brain discovered as white spots on my last MRI.