I have sjogren's, interstitial cystitis,SIADH which I doubt at present, and gastroparesis. Seven months ago Iwas diagnosed with autoimmune hives and treated with zyrtec 20 mg and Ketotiphen started later. In a.m. use allergra 12 hour pills two q a.m. plus ketotiphen. Yesterday started on 20 mg prednisone bid. Also XOlair subq q month, not lasting a month at present.
Yesterday I started having slight vaginal discomfort likened to the interestitial cystitis which has been controlled several years with diet. Reviewing my diet, I saw I had added two cups of coffee a day to keep awake from all of antihistamines. I have taken prelief two with coffee half and half, *decaff and regular, equal amounts in the past but forgot to increase prelief when inceased coffee.
Pain is getting worse and now, 24 hours later, I can hardly sit down the pelvic pain so bad., feel it is in vagina instead of bladder but this is how the pain has always been. No problem urinatingand pain free
with voiding.
Could this be from the ketotifen or any of the antihisamines?