I have suffered a cold recently, and despite having got better I now have a sore neck pain where every time I eat or loudly talk or simply swallow it hurts really bad. I know it's not a sore throat because it's not on the inside of my mouth and I suspect it's either a sinus infection in my jaw or I pulled a muscle and was wondering what can I do to treat it and if I am correct at all on my theory as to what might be bothering me. For the record I blew the crud out of my nose and coughed a lot, so can anyone answer my question: what is wrong with me? oh and don't send spam or ads cause I will just delete them. very annoying.
I'm sorry, I thought this was a free question about my health thing, I didn't realize I had to pay money. just never mind, and refund my money I don't have any money to give or a account of any kind to access. please refund, and again I'm sorry I did not know.