I have the flu by all definitions. It hit me hard 5 days ago. Fever that night over 103-104 It's been vascilating between 101&102 since Thursday. I'm 68, rarely get sick, last cold 3 years ago. Wife sleeps next to me, brings bugs home from work all the time, I don't get them. So this is odd for me. My heart would pound during fever bouts, hit really hard once loud in my head and I could feel the pressure pulse through my neck and head, then once or twice not so hard. It was regular and cyclical.
I have not had a flu shot in 35 years. Always made me deathly ill, like I am now.
For the week prior, I had periodic excruciating nerve pain in top and left foot, felt like electric shock, shooting out and forward. It became severe and freguent during fever onset Wednesday through Friday. Tonsils swelled, very sore throat, which has disapated. Fever and head cold pursists. No appetite. I forced down, over last 48 hours, tons of water, two small apples, cup of brown rice otherwise no food since Wed morning. It requires an overdose of NyQuil to get to sleep for 1-3 hours. Then wake up with eyes glued shut, and nose runnng like faucet, and cough up much muccuous. Color, clear with slight yellow.
I was at VA clinic for derma check up last Monday, maybe caught it there. Long way to VA.
My question is: Is this years flu bug particularly bad? Should I go to local ER, or wait it out longer. It's been 5 days of fever. Very cold and stormy. Going outside not gonna happen unless fever spikes again and you recommend ER