I have the sense that I am dizzy. The world is stable, but it is in my head. When I turn my head or raise and lower my chin, I have the sense my brain is over correcting. My gait has elements of unreliability, meaning I am walking a "straight line", but my forward step is sometime "off - center". It happens with both the left and right steps, but 90% of the time it is my right foot that is not landing "true". Nether advancing foot is "crossing" over, in other words, my right foot does not try to land toward the left and visa versa. From time to time in the past year I have experienced these symptoms but very infrequently. But the last two days I have been aware of them almost continuously. However , I have continued with my "routines", including a 30 minute walk each day. It is this constancy which has sent me to the internet for an answer.