I have unprotected vaginal and oral sex with a sex worker in Canada 3 weeks ago. I don't know her status of HIV although she said she is clean. Exactly after 7 days of my exposure i feel something wrong with my body as i's feeling uncomfortable. I had oral thrush, loss of appetite, swollen lymph nodes in neck, body aches, needles like pain all over my body, night sweat although no fever but i can feel the temperature is high it's 98.5-99.3 for next couple of days. So i suspected that i got infected with HIV. So due to anxiety i took HIV antibody test on 9th day of my exposure which i know is bit early come out negative. But then on 10th day (exactly after 9 days 10 hours) i took HIV 1 RNA TMA test on stdcheck.com which they said 95-99% accurate in 9-11 days after exposure. I got the result yesterday as negative no HIV 1 RNA detected. Now still i am in confusion bcz i m 100% sure i got infected with HIV. I don't know if this test is conclusive or not. I don't have guts to do another test. please help my life is upside down. And also some of my symptoms are gone but i discovered some additional like pain in kidneys lower abdomen chest pain joint pain and extreme fatigue for 2-3 days.