I have vasovagal syncope but recently had an episode at night that was diagnosed as a seizure. I'm wondering if it was really a syncope episode - that afternoon preceeding the event, I was extremely drowsy and felt "faint" or weak. I went to sleep at 9;30 and had a "seizure" at 11:30 - my husband called 911, I went to ER and had a CT scan and blood work done, all negative. We were sent home and went to bed at 3 am. I had a smaller "seizure" at 5 am and we drove to the ER, I was admitted, had MRI, more blood work, EEG, etc done, all negative. I was discharged and put on Keppra. Before all of this: I have had syncope episodes all my life but in June of this year had several "fainting episodes", some lying down, some standing and one while sitting on the beach, again feeling very drowsy prior to this. My friend woke me saying that I looked like I had a seizure: head moving back and forth, L hand twirling. I saw my PCP and he referred me for cardiology workup: ECG (negative) and tilt table test (positive). I was told to wear support stockings and liberalize salt intake.
Do you have any comments on this - is this really part of my syncope or a true seizure?
I have been reading that seizures are often mis-diagnosed.