I have very small eyes, 20 when normal is 24. Just had left eye cataract surgery 10 days ago. My vision went from 20/40 to 20/60. I have lazy eye in right eye, that had same surgery 3 weeks ago. Very successful. My vision went from 20/70 to 20/30! My surgeon was very upset about my left eye. She asked if I was left eye dominant. I didn't know know, but it makes sense that I am because the left eye had the better vision of the two. She said that contacts will take care of the problem. That's good, but it's going to cost me around $200.00 a year for the rest of my life. She thinks it too risky to removed the iol lens because of my small eyes. What do you think? Also, shouldn't she have known that I was left eye dominant befroe she did the surgery? What would you advise?