I have what I call sneeze attacks and as soon as it is done I feel hot and start sweating. It has been going on for years. Doesn’t matter if I am indoors or outside, spring, summer, fall or winter! Sometimes it could be as few as 3-4 or it could be up to a dozen. But after each episode I get hit and start sweating. It comes and goes, sometimes it won’t happen for weeks and other times it happens multiple times a day. Today for instance it happened 3 times. 1st I was sitting in a meeting watching a video, sneezed 4 times within about 30 seconds then got hot and immediately started sweating, second time I was driving, 4-5 sneezes then same out come. 3 time was just a little bit ago, sitting in recliner watching tv and sneezed probably 10 times and instantly felt hot and started sweating. Is this normal or do I need to go in and get it looked into.