I have what feels like muscle cramping in my back shoulder blades when I run. No pain, just severe cramping sensation. No shortness of breath, no shooting pain anywhere. I went to dr and ended up having cath, they found a 70 and 90 percent blockage and had 2 stents put in. This was in 2012. After the stents my back shoulder muscles continued to bother.
I have been carrying a duffel bag weighing about 30 plus lbs around much of a day and I quit using that and shoulder discomfort has went away for the most part. I have been running and minimal discomfort and no pain when running. Several hours after running I get some discomfort in the front chest, more on right side. It almost seems as though if I push on my chest area it feels better.
I will get this discomfort and it seems to move into my back shoulders, especially left side. My spouse can rub the left shoulder area and as she does that it seems to feel better.
History of high cholesterol and take 10mg Crestor and a 325 mg aspiring daily.
Your thoughts!!!