I live in Washington State. When living on 5 acres that did have out buildings, a basement, wood pile, etc. i was bitten 6-7 times in a row on the back side of my knee. I became very sick (not morbidly) just very, very sick to my stomach, dizzy, couldn't eat an had a very rapid heart rate. I required .dr care, Several years later, I was bit (while asleep in bed, by what i was told was a Brown Recluse...it bit me on the ankle, upper arm and the worst...which swole up as big as a 50 cent piece, blistered about a half inch high, then popped itself. I was sicker than sick. I was bitten the night before Thanksgiving...much of which I do not recall. Finally, someone in the family took me to the hospital wherein they attempted to clean up the black crust that had formed on my knee....which was about 3 or 4 days after the bites. In addition while still living in that rural home (in between the black widow bites and brown recluse bites I was walking my dogs in the field and was dive bombed by a swarm of ground hornets...wherein I also sustained about 5 or six stings. Q? is it plain dumb luck, do some individuals attract these creatures or have something about them that is more attractive than other people? thanks for your attention.