I need a doctor's note (release to work no more than 6hrs daily) for an illness I no longer see him for. Last I was seen by him, was 2.5 years ago.
I made the mistake of telling my employer about my illness. Now they cancelled my schedule! Until I have a note, I cannot work!
I have stage 3 hypoadrenia( addisons) which requires me to take cortisol shots for the rest of my life and now that I'm under free healthcare, I am told I'll have to wait months to see my endocrinologist referral!
I have no time to wait nor the new money to see my past endo/MD whos hours away to retest me and reconfirm my illness. Yearly, they store away patient files if you cannot see him every 3 months, I could not afford the visits nor all the meds!
I'll pay for your time to have a release note. Please help!