I need advice from an infectious disease doctor. I am 69 and have Chronic Kidney Disease. My 97 year-old mother-in-law recently came close to dying in a nursing home. The family was called in, but since we live 5,000 miles away and had just gotten back home after visiting her, we didn't immediately get back on the plane to fly back. She recovered and then got a Urinary Tract infection and tested positive for MRSA in her urine. She had a bout with diarrhea and had a tear in her rectum, which became a sore just before this diagnosis. They put an Isolation sign on her door, but the family was allowed to visit wearing gloves. My sister-in-law continued her usual routine of visiting her mother 2-3 times a day every day wearing gloves when she visited. They gave my mother-in-law 10 days of medication and removed the sign and said everything was OK. They did not retest my mother-in-law or disinfect her room until they saw my sister-in-law go in with mask and gloves and do the best she could wiping everything down after my husband told her he couldn't believe they didn't disinfect her room. The next day she found her mother out in the hall while they stripped the floors and spent the entire day cleaning her room. My husband and I did research on MRSA and found that it is a very contagious and very serious especially if people with chronic diseases contract it. I have already decided that if/when my kidneys stop functioning I am not going on dialysis. I. plan to die naturally when my kidneys shut down. If I should get MRSA the medication would ruin my kidneys. I look at life differently now that I have a life-threatening disease. We had not told my husband's family about my Chronic Kidney Disease so we overnighted my sister-in-law a letter telling her I have CKD and how serious this is and mentioned that everyone exposed to my mother-in-law should get tested to see if they are a carrier because it would be bad for me if I caught MRSA from them. She called her doctor and he told her she didn't need to be tested. In the letter my husband told his sister that we have made the decision that I will not be attending my mother-in-law's funeral when she passes away. I am scared to death and have been losing sleep because I'm afraid that my husband could pick up the MRSA germ from his sister at the funeral because there's a good chance she's now a carrier after spending so much time with her mother in her room. I will worry about my husband being a carrier for the rest of my life and giving MRSA to me at some time. Oh, I want to mention that I took the Prolia shot to help rebuild my bones because of osteoporosis, and there was a slight chance that I could have side effects. I'm in that small per centage that has terrible bone pain in my legs so I don't really want to hear about the SMALL chance that my husband could contract MRSA or become a carrier. He told me it's not worth my being worried the rest of my life and says he won't attend the funeral. Of course I feel terrible. In your professional opinion is this the only way (not attending the funeral) that I can be assured that he doesn't contract MRSA or become a carrier? I'm a basket case! I've read horror stories about MRSA getting into a family and continuing to reoccur. I hope to hear back from an infectious disease doctor soon. Thanks, Ann Adams