I need help 911 !!!! I have non-HIV lipodystrophy and can't find a doctor to treat it much less know what it is. I need to start Egrifta asap just to give me time to find a good doctor who knows about this. I live in Southern California. You would think I could find one, but no! I've had them take my consultation fee, in cash, only to tell me they don't know about the disease and don't know where to send me. Now I'm broke and disfigured and am in an 'active' phase. FYI, I went to UCI hospital infectious disease dept only to have them turn me away saying, yes we treat lipodystrophy but not NON-HIV lipodystrophy. I've gone to rheumatologists galore, dermatologists, oncologists, hemotologists. I need NAMES of doctors to call. I have nothing left and no one even caring enough to lead me to the simplest of prescription formularies, all the while becoming more and more disfigured. It's going on 4 years and I pegged it 3 months in and still no one is hearing me with the exception of one oncologist who called it on my face right out of the blue without any provocation. It's obvious, but because it's rare no one wants to be responsible for it. I need to know names of doctors I can call BEFORE I go in and spend my money (that I no longer have), and I need to know very soon.