I need help as I don't know what's going on with me. I had my last period on August 3rd. I had unprotected sex sometime after my period, but not exaclty sure when. I was supposed to get my period betweem August 26th and Sept 1st, but it never arrived. Instead on Sept 1st or 2nd I had some pink/brownish spotting that was only visible when I wiped or when I put the tampon in (very scant amount). I had that for less than a day then the next day there was nothing and then the following day I had that same spotting (if I can even call it spotting). I have been having cramps ever since that spotting occurred until now, my breast have been hurting like they do before my periods and I constantly get that feeling that my period is coming, but there's no sign of it. I have never been this late with my period, the most space in between my periods was like 34 days, but only once. My normal cycle is anywhere between 24-30 days more or less. I took a pregnancy test on Sept 9th (about a week late with my period) and it showed negative. What could be happening? I have never had this happen to me. Never had any spotting or cramping before my period (I've had some in the past during my period but never before). I forgot to mention that I also have some lower back pain and occasional diarhhea for no reason. Could this be cancer or could I be pregnant and for some reason tested negative? I have 2 kids and with both the tests show up positive pretty quick. Please help me as I am not sure what to think.