I noticed a lymph node on the upper left side of my neck. It's about 1cm round or smaller. i was having a sore throat, stuffy nose and mucus in the throat. It has been a month since that and sore throat is gone but I'm still having a stuffy nose and mucus in the throat. The lymph node is still there, it's painless when touch but sometimes I feel pain in the area, it's mobile and kinda firm I think. I do not have other symmtims such as night sweet, weight loss or itchy at all. I asked my parents and my aunt (she is a doctor) and they told me not to worry about it. I have been keep touching it the last few days and very worry about it. I been suffering anxiety and depreesion heavily since I found it. I'm male, 15 years old with healthy life style accept I ussually go to sleep at 12:30 am. Please someone give me an advice so I can get it out of my head. Thank you very much.