I noticed skin on side of my right big toe to be irritated & slightly reddish in color three weeks ago. There was a little discomfort but that went away after a day or two. Still, appearance didn't change & I around 10 days I began warm water/ epsom salt soaks. Virtually no pain to the touch when I push down on any part of the toe. However, I did notice a very small piece of skin between the skin & sticking out on the nail. As I would gently tug at it, bleeding. I continued soaking twice daily & started applying Neosporin daily. Just recently, I decided to see a general doctor to have the toe looked at. He prescribed an prescription oral antibiotic & after the soakings the toe looks especially good & settles down a bit. My worry is this could be the start of an ingrown toe nail. Doctor doubts given what he sees but told me I will know in 2 or 3 weeks & the condition worsens in which case I should make a return visit. Any thoughts or another opinion? And what should I watch for? The skin on the side of the toe feels different from the other toe but it, again, really doesn't hurt me -- even to touch.