I recently had tonsillitis for about 3 weeks. At first the doctor thought it was strep so they treated it like strep, until about 10 days in when I was out of penicillin and I could barely open my mouth I was in so much pain. I continued to take antibiotics, over the counter pain pills, and pseudoephedrine because I also had many cold symptoms as well. Besides a quick relapse of my tonsils swelling again this past Saturday, I have been healthy for about a week. This morning I noticed that the roof of my mouth felt a little funny. It didn't feel like I burned it, but I couldn't put my finger on it so I ignored it. I also noticed that I had a sore on my cheek but I figured I just bit my cheek in my sleep. About an hour ago (very suddenly) my tongue started to swell a little and a have a bump the size of a pea on the tip of my tongue, however its not sticking out, you can hardly see it. Along with this very painful bump my tonsils started to swell up too a little bit and the base of my tongue hurts once again. I suppose I could have just burnt it, buy I haven't had anything hot to eat or drink since yesterday. It could be allergies, but nothing I ate or drank today was out of my usual routine so I have a hard time believing that. I don't know what it could be, but I want to know if it is something I should have checked out right away and go to urgent care, or if I can put it off until tomorrow when my campus health and wellness center can fit me in.