I seem to have a stomach bug with loose stools, nausea, heartburn and general exhaustion. I was feeling better and was able to go about my day and even was able to eat a big dinner. A few hours after eating I felt lightheaded, and got extreme shivers, I wasn't cold but muscles and teeth were chattering and I was short of breath. The shivers went on for a couple of hours and I finally was able to sleep. Today my arms are a bit numb and I have been in bed all day with more watery stools and nausea. The shivers have not yet returned, but it did concern me that it may be something more serious. My husband is a COTA and took my BP which is normal but I do have an elevated heart rate. I am on day 5 of the nausea and haven't had much to eat the past 5 days. Should I still just ride it out and keep hydrated ?