I wanted to get a second opinion on some symptoms I have been feeling lately and lab results that I have received. I was experiencing fatigue, feeling cold all the time, not being able to concentrate, headaches, weight gain, and upset stomach for a while now. I was recommended by my mother to get a thyroid panel done and the results came back with all levels low except my TPO antibodies were at 71IU/mL while my Thyroglobulin antibodies were at 1.4IU/mL. I consulted my doctor about this and he had dismissed the results saying I was too young (I'm 21) to have a thyroid issue. He had me get more lab work done and the results came back with my ALT (SGPT) Liver enzymes at 43IU/L along with a low CO2 level of 17mmol/L. I was becoming concerned that I was being dismissed of a proper diagnosis just because my doctor was biased of my age. To add on, I was monitoring my diet and noticed that I get an upset stomach and reflux every time I ate foods like bread and pasta and it can be troublesome at times to where I feel a loss of appetite. I had my gallbladder removed when I was 17 due to gallstones and pancreatitis, so I have had symptoms of an upset stomach since then, but I just related that to a poor diet. It was until recently that I began to notice how frustrating it can be to eat anything and feel sick afterwards. My last doctors visit was last week. It was an initial checkup and we discussed all the symptoms I had felt and the thyroid panel I had done. He told me he didn't think I could have thyroid issues because I was only 21 years old.