I was at my dr.s office last wednesday, and had an epidural treatment for my sciatica. while resting in a wheelchair for 20 minutes his nurse tried to get me to walk back to the lobby to meet with my husband and leave, but my left leg would still give out with no feeling. As the nurse and I walked in their hallway, she grabbed me on my right armpit and arm, where she should of grabbed me on my left armpit and arm and act as a crutch, so that I could user my good leg the right one. Well, the bad leg, the left leg gave out and we both fell on the hard floor with her on top of me and both my knees tried to break the fall and both hurt me so, so bad. It is now 5 days and my left knee still hurts bad, where my right knee doesn't hurt as bad. I have iced it continuously, but the left knee still hurts. I'm wondering if I tore some cartilage on that left knee, and I haven't had an xtray, mri or anything yet. please help me in giving me some type of an answer. The left leg is still feeling some light numbness, weakness and tingling from the epidural, so I'm not sure how long that will last. I don't see the Pain Management doctor until Wednesday again which will be a week. Please answer me, and thank you so much. I'm really hoping that that fall with the nurse on top of me didn't damage my knee.