I was bitten on the foot (base of 2nd toe) by a Florida water moccasin (Agkistrodon piscivorus) nearly 3 weeks ago. I received 4 vials of Crofab approximately 6 hours post-bite, followed by 2 more vials 10 hours later, and was discharged home on hospital day #4. I developed serum sickness on day #8, which was treated with a Medrol dosepack and PRN Atarax 25mg. On day #5-6 post bite, I developed a 3cm bullae (gold colored blister) near the bite site, which persisted for about 7 days. I am doing well now, after resolution of the severe itching associated with serum sickness (entire lower leg and posterior thigh of affected leg). My only persistent symptom is a 4-5cm very hard, tender area immediately proximal to the bite site (on the top of my foot). My foot is still swollen and somewhat tender (feels bruised) on the lateral side. All of my coags and CBC's remained WNL both during and 1 week after the bite.
My question concerns any information that can be provided regarding long-term effects of both/either the envenomation and the Crofab I received.
Thank you