I was diagnosed 6 months ago with a vestibular schwannoma in my lt. ear, 1.2 cm. I have had hearing loss and tinnitus for many years, but only within the last 6 months or so have had occasional dizzy spells, with the exception of an episode of vertigo (room spun violently on any head movement) about 5 years ago that kept me in bed for 2 days, then resolved suddenly and completely. I am inclined and have been advised to watch and wait on a surgical treatment for the tumor since my 2nd MRI at 6 months showed no growth. However, the occasional dizzy spells are annoying and sometimes troublesome as I travel frequently for work. I have taken over the counter dramamine and bonine when these spells occur, but these meds are not providing much relief.
Are there better alternative medications to control dizziness about which I should ask my docs ? If I can manage these occasional episodes of dizziness and my tumor doesn't grow, perhaps I can avoid a craniotomy, an event which I certainly want to avoid if at all possible.
Thank you.