I was diagnosed with GERD about 4 weeks ago after having some bad reactions to Cipro and Flagyl 2500mg a day total between both of them. When I went back to ER a few days after stopping them on day 3 the other doctor said I really did not need those since I did not have colitis. In the last year or more I have had severe fatigue, trembling, and jumping pulse at rest out of the blue and they come and go. Since I stopped the Cipro and Flagyl after 3 days about a month ago I've had more symptoms on top of the ones above such as sweating feet and arms at night out of the blue, changing bowel movements, lost about 18-20 lbs in 4 weeks, difficulty sleeping, and sensitivity to heat at times (usually at night). I had a thyroid ultrasound done last week and my doctor said it looks fine, but these symptoms I listed above come and go, but much worse in last 4 weeks (the sudden weight loss is alarming even though I still eat a lot). Some family members on both sides have thyroid problems and are on medications for thyroid. Two have Hashimoto's as well. I'm wondering if T3 and T4 numbers can jump around due to maybe an above infection or me stopping my antibiotics too soon OR because I was getting some symptoms even before those drugs that maybe I had thyroid issues well before all of this? The weight loss, night sweating out of the blue some nights, and my body getting flush hot out of the blue makes me wonder. Below are my recent numbers:
My thyroid function test results are:
T3 uptake=36% (25-35% normal)
T4=8.8mcg/dl (5.9-13.2mcg/dl) total
free T4 index =3.2 (4.8-12.7)
TSH=2.35mU/L (normal 0.4-4.0)
reverse T3=25ng/dl (10-24ng/dl normal)
absolute eosinophils=592cells/uL (30-350)