I was diagnosed with a spastic bladder that doesn't empty all at once, over 30 years ago. The medications given to me then didn't seem to help and actually caused me to have IBS. Since I have not been taking any medication and live every day with my bladder controling my life. It is horrible. After my first and only cup of coffee in the morning I must urinate at least 8 times, as if an open faucet. I never know when I will have to go whether I drink or not, with that, I obviously get axious before leaving the house and usually go to the bathroom a hundred times. Believe it or not I go every time I am in there, and when I am not I usually feel pressure as if I have to go. I go all day without drinking anything so to avoid not being able to leave the house or for fear of accident. Once I know I am home for the day I will drink as much as I can. Obviously I am always either dehydrated or on the verg of being so. I get horrible headaches (which the neurologist say's are beyond migraines, which I don't feel they are), episodes of feeling as I am going to passout all of a sudden, a constant ringing in my ears and usually have low pressure.This has been so long that it is all a way of life for me and I want to know is there anything that will help? I want to feel normal, I want to be able to do what I want and walk out the door without the bathroom controling me. I am very active and get everything I need to get done, done, but with such mental torture of this bladder condition. Everyone teases me and say's I take forever in the bathroom before we leave, other than with my husband or son I usually try to just meet people where it is that we are going because I never know how long I will take in the bathroom or if while driving if I will have to stop to go. I feel bad for my husband and my son who always have to wait for me. What can I try or do?