I was diagnosed with dermatomyositis, diabetes, and high blood pressure, and neuropathy... no doctor has tried anything but writing me prescription after prescription with no discussion as to side effects, drug interactions, and no real follow-up....right now I am taking 1000mg metformin + 10 mg glipizide a day, + Cymbalta, and gabapentin, also Elavil, for sleep, carvedilol 25mg + Lisinopril 10/12.5, and ambien for sleep, and the list goes on....I stopped taking the Cymbalta, 4 days ago, and am weaning myself off of the gabapentin, and the metformin I reduced back to 500mg a day, and am in the process of weaning myself off of the glipizide.....I can not take all these drugs, and the doctors don't pay any attention to how all of this crap is making me feel.....I am not even sure what my question is, other than how can I go about getting my doctors to listen to me about what taking all of these drugs is doing to me, because of all the side effects of each and then in combination with each other....I was also scheduled for gammunex-c infusions for the duration of 1 year, but have only had 1 every 3 weeks since oct.2016, for a total of 4, and can not get the doctor and infusion company together long enough to continue my infusions, apparently the insurance is not paying them enough to care..... I am sorry if this sounds like total idiot ranting or gibberish, but am cold turkey off the Cymbalta......I am almost 62 years old and healthy up until 2009 when all was diagnosed....i need to know if there might be a better alternative to the diabetic drug combo that i am taking, my blood pressure is very good, but everything else has not good...and i know that this synopsis of my current health is probably too vague, but any discussion on these meds or other treatments will be appreciated.....