I was diagnosed with the serious HPV in 2013. I developed LSIL in 2014 and it was still there in 2015. I decided to be proactive and eradicate it from my body to restore my body to health and to bring peace of mind. I based this decision on information provided by my then doctor and as she said "at your age, I'd just have the procedure and be done with it." She was over an hour late to my LEEP appt. and did not take "an extra piece" of tissue, as she had indicated she was going to do during my Colposcopy given the location of where she had seen what I presume was abnormal tissue. She took two specimens during my colposcopy, and then just one during the LEEP. I have just learned the LEEP was unsuccessful and that neither the HPV or LSIL was removed (this was shown in my pap which occurred 6/7 months following LEEP). The tissue she took during my LEEP had very mild, if any, dysplasia, and no HPV. I would appreciate any thoughts/recommendations/guidance you might have in pretty much any area surrounding this situation, medical, legal, where do I go from here?, anything. Thank you very much for your wonderful service. I really appreciate it.