I was having dry sex with my fiancee on 8th july, he was wearing undergrmnts, i was wearing proper clothes, we rubbed our genitals he ejaculated in his undrwear, is there any chance of pregnency like this? My periods were due on 14 july, bt they are late for the first tym in my life, i got periods on 18 july, but they were not heavy like the normal one's, m confused whether it is implantation bleding or mensuration, i did a preg test on 21st, i was negative first bt then after some time it showed a fainted line, i consider it as evaporatn line and checked again on 22nd nd 23rd, both came out negative, someone told me tat it was too early to check preg thats why it was negative, what should i do now, m still a virgin, is there any chance that m pregnent from all this? Please help as i am so woried