I was in a very bad multi car accident two years ago. I was stopped on the freeway just like the cars in front me. I always stop with plenty of room in front of me. I happened to look in my rear view mirror and saw several cars colliding and headed right toward me. I happened slow, but the fast. You understand that concept. I thought I had enough room in front of me, reflex to turn my wheels towards the grassy median. I just so happened to twist my body to the right along with my neck. Right exactly at that time is when I was struck by a van going 65 mph and a truck right after at 65 mph. It was so fast. I ended up going to the hospital for treatment and they said I was okay, however I did not feel okay. Six months later I fell in the shower, went to the hospital, was given a cat scan and brain atrophy appeared. I fell last Thursday out of bed. I hit my forehead on the dresser and fell backward too hitting the back of my head on the bed frame. I felt sick right away. I went to school late because I felt like throwing up for hours. I finally felt that I had my composure. Went to school, as the day went on, my vision got bad, I fell through a table, was confused, sluggish and was walking into things. I left in my comfortable Tahoe where I felt relaxed, started to swerve going off the road and started falling asleep. Stopped at my primary doctors since they were close. There I got the lecture that concussions can take awhile to worsen throughout the day and why was I driving. I felt ok to drive when I left home. From my primary doctors my husband showed up and took me to the hospital. There they knocked me out, and did another CAT scan the atrophy was still there. Could this have happened from the original accident and signs had not shown up until that 1st concussion when I fell out of the bath tub 6 months after the rear end accident? I still have a bad bad headache since last Thursday. I have noticed that I am not the same person before the accident. I was vibrant, happy, athletic and very upbeat. Now I have issues of trying to commit suicide due to the disabilities I have now, I think negative no matter what the issue is. I just feel like a complete failure. I forget things very fast. I have to use a personal notebook calendar to write day to day events, including nightmares. I have to be so detailed or I just will not remember the next day. I am scheduled to see a neurologist soon. I trying to work through the issues and taking Culinary and I have been disciplined so many times and on the verge of being kicked out. I was not a bad student ever. I did not ever get in trouble. What in the hell is wrong with me?