I was in perfect health. Got a huge, awful canker sore with a very swollen lower lip. Then my eyes got very red and slightly puffy this was 3 weeks ago. I was doing a lot of leaf raking, blowing, and mowing during this time. About 2 weeks ago, my eyes still red and puffy, I started feeling like I was getting sick. Achy and slight headache. Took acetaminophen 1000 mg and 600 mg ibuprofen 2 times each day and successfuly masked the symptoms for 4 days. I was physically and mentally working at full pace. Then last Sunday I got very sick. Eyes became super puffy, bad headache, and dry heaves. This lasted 3 days and slowly I improve. A very dry mouth was another big symptom. 7 days later my eyes are still red, I get a daily headache, very dry mouth and a bad taste , a little numbness on the sole side of my toes. I am female, 55 , 95/65 BP, recent labs 4 weeks ago all good (labs done for cystic acne antibiotic that I take...100mg doxycycline per day) 62 inches 115 lbs. no history of anxiety or depression. Sleep great. Great marriage well adjusted kids. No other Meds. What is suddenly wrong with me?