I was recently diagnosed with Sjogren's Syndrome. I've noticed just in the past week my right leg is swelling with pitting edema, purple in color and cold to the touch. My blood pressure is running around 140/95 whereas it used to be a constant 110/70. A dopplar was conducted on my leg for a blood clot. The dopplar was normal with no sign of blockage. I'm urinating considerably less, even with prescription lasix of 10 mg. I have pain in upper left quadrant with a burning sensation. I've also developed an isoattenuating soft tissue mass with lots of shotty lymphadenopathy per a CT scan. Recent blood work shows elevated WBC, elevated serum protein electrophoresis alpha 2, CRP borderline high, and protein and ketones in the urine. I'm worried about lymphoma and or kidney failure. Could my symptoms be from my sjogrens? Should I be worried?