I was recently re-diagnosed with carpel tunnel syndrome. It's been 25+ years now. Landscaping, I love, brought it on this time and it's not going away. After testing My doctor wants to sent me to a orthopedic therapist. I've also got sciatic if I don't drink enough water. Plus a history of migraines that I've received all kinds of shots for. Currently, botox, every 3 months. I'm tough. I love to physically work hard. I'm not afraid of overdoing it and I've been told I should. Whatever. I want carpel tunnel surgery. No therapy. I also fractured my neck 3 places in 07. I needed a fusion. But I felt fine.didnt get the fusion. Could that be the reoccurring migrane,sciatica,and carple tunl problems?. I'll get the fusion too. I'm done with all this. Thank you for your time. Chimae