I was recently treated for pneumonia with an antibiotic called Levofloxacin.About four days into this treatment, I started having severe breathing problems so went back to my doctor.She gave me an inhaler and said that asthma was the main issue now as the pneumonia was improving with the antibiotic. The inhaler only helped a bit and I ended up in hospital where they gave me an oxygen treatment containing several medications. About 20 minutes into the treatment,I felt the first real breath go into my lungs.It was amazing and I was sent home. However, I took another antibiotic pill (levofloxacin) and my cough/ breathing difficulty resumed. I am now using 2 inhalers, Ventolin and a dual type called Zenhale, which contains a corticosteroid for inflammation. I am still coughing incessantly and producing a thick, sticky bubbly mucous. I have had a choking episode while coughing this up, which led to projectile vomiting during the episode. Sleeping is difficult as lying down causes more coughing.