I was taking Sertraline (75 mg in morning) along with Depakote. It didn't seem to be reducing my anxiety , depression, or Social interaction disorder after several months of usage. When i stopped taking it I noticed no change in those symptoms. My depression typically lasts for 30 - 32 months, following by a few months where i feel more energetic, ambitious, go to bed early to get 6 or 7 hours sleep, awake refreshed and ready to go but it's only 3 or 4 am. I then am able to find activities that keep my interest or accomplish something. This short-lived state is irritating to my wife (though we sleep in different bedrooms and I am quite out of consideration for her sleep pattern. So we are seldom happy at ther same time. When I am "up", she is irritated. I have empathy for people around me, but she is in denial of my assistance, though appreciated by those I help. Should I request a different med from my doctor to help alleviate my situation?