I was tested for HIV at 6/7 week mark after possible exposure- meaning having unprotected sex with a stranger. This first test was a fourth generation antibody antigen test. Second test was at 11.5 weeks. This second test was a rapid finger test. From my knowledge there are two types of rapid tests, one that tests for a the HIV virus itself and another more accurate test that tests for the antibodies and antigens. I took the more advanced antigen and antibody rapid test. Both tests came back negative. I’m convinced I’m getting false negatives though because of a few things. I had sex with someone, 2 weeks later I had something similar to the flu for one day. I had sex with another person and they had the same one day flu thing. I also can’t tell if the red bumps on my back are Acne/ old pimples or hiv rash. I also now have strep throat. I never had many symptoms of strep throat except it was hard to swallow and I had a white coated tongue. I originally went in because I was scared it was oral thrush- a symptom of hiv. The strep test came back positive. I’ve been on antibiotics for almost 6 full days now. The hard to swallow feeling has mostly gone away, still Kind of there, feels like something is stuck in throat, but the white tongue is still very much present. The back of my mouth slightly burns. I’m still thinking it’s oral thrush. I’m an otherwise very healthy 21 year old female. Here are some questions.
1. If I was showing signs of hiv would that mean the disease has progressed enough to show in a blood test?
2. Do you think my hiv test results are conclusive?
3. What would give a false negative hiv test?
4. Any advice for next steps to be taken?