I was told 9 years ago that I had Triple Negative breast cancer, & that is was no big deal, just meant that one test couldn't be done on me. I had the surgery followed by 38 radiation treatments. No problems since for me. My sister had triple negative breast cancer, was told that it was very raw and aggressive cancer. She had chemo then surgery, then radiation, which ended in April of this year. In August she had a routine mammogram which was fine. In September her breast started causing her a lot of pain. She had another mammogram in October and found that the cancer had come back, and was also in her liver as well as inside and outside of her lungs. NO Surgery! She had 2 chemo treatments only, told chemo wasn't working. In less than 1 month's time doctors have told us that she can go at any time. She is in Hospice care----is dying! Should I have any type of testing done since I, too, was told that my cancer was triple negative? If so, what testing?