I was under medical treatment for gonorrhea and chlamydia with azithromycin one single dose plus ...follow up by doxycycline 200 mg+ 10 days.
Even though I finished my medication, I realized that I felt penile pain at the root of the penis that connects with my testis and also a mild testicular pain as well.
Nevertheless, As soon as I finished my medication, thinking that I was fully recovered , I had sex with my partner and it brought about a big and serious concern about my treatment because I feel penile pain and mild testicular pain which last for a long period of time after having had that sex.
I felt pain somehow tolerable but that pain lasted for almost the whole night.
I still feel pain even now but to a tolerable degree .
Please suggest what I should do or what antibiotics should I take? Azithromycin and doxycycline combination treatment? Will it be effective enough to cure my illnesses ie. gonorrhea and chlamydia associated with urethritis?
And does having sex appropriate during the treatment?
Or, should I prevent sex during this phenomena?
I feel slight groin pain as well but there's no sign of testicular swelling.
My urinations are yellowish and painful.
Does having sex during such development worsen penile pain and mild testicular pain?
Please do kindly answer me with medical prescriptions if possible as I am staying right now in a place where there are no doctors.