I went into the doc office 2 weeks ago 8/17 with what seemed like UTI symptoms starting on 8/14. They sent me home with a prescription for antibiotics and a numbing medicine for the bladder. They sent my urine sample to the lab and the results came back negative for bacteria. I finished the antibiotics Friday morning 8/24 and the pain meds Monday 8/20. I haven't had pain with out the medicine since 8/20. I was fine all weekend 8/25-8/26 then I woke up this morning 8/27 with symptoms again, I had one numbing pill left so I took it to get me through school today. I was sexually active the weekend of 8/11 and again the weekend of 8/25, I recently got the Nexplanon implant, but I still used condoms (Trojan, pleasure pack) and a lubricant (astroglide, water-based). Both were used both weekends. Do I have a UTI, or could it be that I am allergic to something in the condoms or lubricant?