I went through multiple tests, x-rays, and some MRIs, and even a spinal tap about ten years ago. I was told I had degenerative joints in my spine. I had one stripe on whatever test that was with spinal fluid. I had some lesion-like things that showed in my MRI. This was spine only. I had tingling and loss of feeling in arms mostly, legs at times. One night I woke to severe pain in my legs and was unable to work. I just thought that meant my back was "out". This seemed to go on for more than a year. It originally started with severe back pain, a slipped "joint" in my back, and constant limping. I was given pain pills, then nerve blocking medication. The doctor said there was not enough information to give me a diagnosis. He told me I was depressed, maybe it was fibromyalgia, etc... Symptoms come back with stress, heat, exhaustion at times. It scares me when it returns because it could potentially take me to that lump that couldn't really function for awhile. The only real diagnosis I got was a B12 deficiency and degeneration in joints that looked as though they were from a much older person at the time. Now, I am older and have a difficult time with my back and have needed assistance standing after bending to let the dog out. I'm just worried that it will progress (the degeneration).