II have a case of severe chronic procrastination and maladaptive day dreaming . They are sought of related , because everyone I think about doing something , my mind gets super stressed and while I'm procrastinating the task I start day dreaming and talking to myself . Because of this over the last few years my self confidence and self belief has dwindled completely . I also suffered from moderate depression( that's what the psychiatrist said , for me it was crazy severe ) , but I think it came up because of that only . So basically , I'm not able to do the things I want , I just impulsively do things for instant gratification, have no perseverance , can't focus , can't do anything I want to . And I would like to change that think I have always had this procrastination thing but in very very mild form , and in childhood I was really great at focusing , but since the last 3-4 years it has magnified so much that it has taken over my life