If any doctors on here are familiar with CB1 and CB2 receptor functions, i am currently trying to find alternative methods to help treat my clinically induced glaucoma and my Iritis. I am currently taking remmicade (which is a TNF blocker) and a slu of glaucoma drops such as Cosopt and Alphagan. My question is, would using CBD rich cannabis (effective in regulating CB2 functions such as inflammation and the immune system-why its helpful with glaucoma) have a negative effect on my remmicade (the TNF blocker)? i have read that CBD is a TNF inhibitor, however i also know that it helps regulate the system. So if my body is over producing white blood cells (WBC) to attack the iritis, wouldent regulating that function reduce the over production of WBC? I am on extreme dosages of the medication and obviously dont want to increase my chance of producing anti bodies to the remmicade, however being on it for over a decade at such a high dose (let along the cost of the drug) i need to find something that is more comprehensive to my lifestyle. Secondly, my glaucoma specialists does not condone the use of cannabis for any medical purposes so speaking with him about it is not helpful, is there a difference between glaucoma developed naturally vs "medically induced" through the side effects of the mass amount of steroid drops i was on? I know cannabis helps my conditions but im nore less curious as to why. If glaucoma is glaucoma then im assumimg its cannabis' amti inflammatory properties that are helping, however if the glaucoma caused by my medications needs to be treated differently, could the releif caused by an entourage effect of relaxing other parts of my body such as stress levels, blood pressure, ect? Thanks for any advice you may be able to offer and if there are currently studies being done on the effects of cannabis and TNF blockers/remmicade/iritis please post a link i may follow to get more info! Thank you!