I'm 19 years old. Sunday morning I had my wisdom teeth removed (bottom 2 only). I was prescribed ibuprofen with codeine for the pain, as well as Tylenol. I took the ibuprofen + codeine 3 times over the course of several hours on Sunday, the last time being about 1 in the morning. Around 3:30 in the morning I was woken up by severe pain in my abdomen, right below the sternum. It felt like a dull ache that would randomly cramp or spasm into excruciating pain. By 7 in the morning I could not handle the pain and went to urgent care. They gave me a GI cocktail but it offered no form of relief, and they performed a chest X-ray which turned out fine. They then sent me to the hospital, where they performed blood tests (everything okay) as well as an EKG (also okay). Eventually the doctor told me he didn't know what was causing my pain, but thought that I had just irritated my stomach by taking the ibuprofen + codeine, and prescribed me a "liquid bandaid" for my stomach. Basically this soft pink liquid that I'm supposed to drink that will coat the inside of my stomach lining and heal/protect it. He told me it would also help with the pain. I went home and took the medicine as directed. No relief and several hours later (around 2 in the morning) I began to cry due to how excruciating the pain was. I also couldn't eat or drink without making the pain worse, so on top of this I'm starving and haven't had real food in about 16 hours (the only thing I was able to eat following my wisdom teeth removal was mushed up cauliflower). I rushed to another hospital again where they ran more blood tests (again, okay) and performed an ultrasound. A lot of gas was noted in my abdominal area, but other than that the doctor said everything looked okay. He believed that I'm suffering from gastritis as a result of the ibuprofen, and prescribed me an antacid as well as an intestinal muscle relaxer to hopefully help calm the spasms inside my stomach that cause the excruciating pain. My question is, does the doctor's diagnosis sound correct? By now you know my main symptom is the severe abdominal pain. I've also experienced nausea, but only 3 or 4 times over the course of these 2 days, and I've never actually thrown up. My other main complaint is that I'm constipated and feel "backed up." Like I said there was gas present on the ultrasound and I can also feel it moving about in my bowels. I haven't had a bowel movement since Saturday afternoon, the day before my surgery. Granted I haven't had much to eat the past 2 days due to this pain and my surgery, but I figure that my dinner from Saturday evening should have been, ya know, ready to go by now. I haven't really even been able to fart. So I'm quite uncomfortable. Occasionally I burp and I feel a brief second of relief. So is my doctor correct in his diagnosis? And if it IS gastritis, is it going to be something I deal with for the rest of my life? I've read online quite a few stories about people who are diagnosed young and then continue to suffer for many years. I'm hoping that isn't my case because I've never experienced this before and it's likely just a result of the medication (I will never take ibuprofen again.)