I'm 19 years old and for a while I've been having problems with my menstraul cycle that I thought were normal at first, but now I'm not so sure. They are excessively painful and heavy. I also get nauseous and start getting sick a few days before my period starts, along with diarrhea, every month. They used to be very consistent but have started becoming more irregular. I also will have what feels exactly like menstraul cramps and become nauseous while I'm ovulating. After my period started becoming more severe about a year ago, I developed anemia. Sometimes, the day before my period, I will have a brown discharge.
I'm not really sexually active, I've only had intercourse maybe once or twice a month for the past 6 months and with only one person, and my cycle hasn't changed since I started. Neither of us have STDs, and I've never had any pain or discomfort during intercourse.
I don't know if this is normal, but it doesn't feel like it.