I'm 36 and have had two children. I currently have my period and am on day 13 with it still going strong (not counting some spotting the week prior). Every day has been been moderate to heavy, with the majority involving clots. This is month two of a very long period (13 days in Feb/March). Prior to this, my periods were approximately 30 days apart and lasted 4 - 5 days.
As a side note, I am very obese (350) and have not been to a gynecologist in seven years (since my post delivery check-up). I avoid doctors entirely because I know that I am too big for their equipment. Additionally, I've read that doctors dislike working with the super morbidly obese. I'd like to start seeing doctors again, but I don't know how to go about finding one that will be able exam or treat me. Until recently, I was under a doctor's care for a hand injury that is now healed, which isn't terribly relevant, but I did learn that my blood pressure was normal last it was checked. I take no prescribed medications, but I do take allergy medicine, iron supplements, and a B vitamin complex (I'm vegetarian).